Post-Doctoral Researcher Positions 

Where:   Medical Image Processing Group, Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Tremendous opportunities for creativity and to be part of fundamental advances within a group that has been engaged in medical imaging research for over 45 years. 
Several positions are available. Need to fill positions soon. 
Tasks:  Basic research in body-wide image segmentation of all major organs and conceptual body regions, automatic object recognition and delineation, disease quantification, and evaluation, implementing and evaluating algorithms, clinical evaluation in several large applications including cancer, radiation treatment planning, surgery planning, treatment response prediction, etc. 
Qualifications:   PhD in computer science/ bioengineering/ electrical engineering/ information sciences; strong mathematical, computational, programming background, appropriate training in 3D image processing, computer vision, general machine learning, and deep learning; medical imaging and processing experience is preferred. Ability to think out of the box will be a plus.  

Contact:  Jay Udupa (